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The second Student Hostel Association

Nash Chiu (Lun)

Selena Ng (Wing)

Katie Ng (Kiu)

Crystal Wong (Crystal)

Emily Chak (Emily)

Anthony Kwan (Ming)

Celia Chong (Celia)

Nicole Chan (Nicole)

Kelly Wong (Kelly)

Camay Ho (Camay)

Kaki Ng (Kaki)

Lawerence Lo (Kwan)

Chloe Kwan (Chloe)

Rachel Tsang (Rachel)   


Internal  Vice  President

External  Vice  President

Internal  Secretary

External  Secretary

Financial  Secretary

Recreation  Officer

Recreation  Officer

Welfare  Officer

Welfare  Officer

Welfare  Officer

Promotion  Officer

Promotion  Officer

Promotion  Officer

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